Sunday, August 17, 2014

Why do we even do things?

"You've got some discipline there". Someone actually told me that. Me. I was at the gym, doing what I usually do (being dizzy and out of breath, mostly), and bang, all of a sudden I've got discipline.

It did surprise me. And then I thought… ah, but wait. I actually DO go to the gym 3 times a week and I actually DO thoroughly follow a workout plan.  I'm not a teenager anymore, I want to prepare my body in order to age gracefully, and I want to stay green as long as possible. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but at least I'm giving it a good try…

Oh, who am I fooling? You know what?  The real reason is: when I undress, I want to see something I like in the mirror. It has nothing to do with the perceived image of manliness or anything. Seeing myself being fit makes me happy, and I want it to last. I'm doing for myself exclusively, and most importantly, I'm doing it because I want it.

So here's this week's question: Why do we even do things?

I won't be long debating about it, because it's pretty obvious: we do things because we want them done, and how hard we work to achieve what we want depends on how badly we want it.

What about things we need? What if I need to stop smoking? What if I need to stop drinking? What if need to be more serious in my professional life...

... What if I know I need all that but can't find the motivation?

Well, as usual, I'll do what I do: just look at my current status quo and try to figure out what I want to add or remove from the equation.

Let's say I need to quit smoking. The final equation isn't me - smoke, it me - smoke  = me + better health. So what do I want?

Do I want to smoke, or do I want a good health?
The choice is quickly made, right?

Then what if we want something far above the usual? What if I want to become an athlete? I'm 30, it should be too late, right?
In that case, my answer would be: go for it and become my motivation. If chasing achievements we don't really want can make ourselves miserable, going after something we DO want is an endless source of personal growth.

Some might think "But that sounds really egocentric, doesn't it?"

Well duh! I'm not having three meals a day to keep the Batman from starving, it's for my own benefit! Sometimes we do need to think of ourselves, because we've got one life, because we are our best own friends, and bcause growing isn't only useful: it's fun.

Why do we do things then? Mostly because we want to and, if nature hasn't entitled us with the right to get everything we wish, we are certainly entitled to give it our best! 

So there, pick something you really want to accomplish, and as the running shoes say, just do it! Discipline won't even be a problem.

In the mean time, I'm going to cook some more noodles, probably for the Batman, and wish you a good time until next week!

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